A new report based on 2024 calendar year data from the SmarterMeasure Learning Readiness Indicator reveals that student readiness for online and technology-rich learning has declined since the pre-pandemic years. Continue reading to explore the key findings in detail or watch the video below for a quick overview.

Key Findings

  • The SmarterMeasure assessment measures various factors that contribute to student success, including individual attributes, life factors, learning styles, technical competency, reading and writing skills, and math readiness.
  • The 2024 National Means Report shows that most mean scores on these measures were higher before the pandemic than in 2024.
  • While individual attributes and life factors remain high, reading recall and writing readiness show the lowest mean scores.
  • Technical competency and technical knowledge are bright spots, with the highest mean scores.

National Means Report Mockup

Areas of Concern

The decline in reading recall and writing readiness is particularly concerning, as these skills are essential for success in any learning environment. The report also notes that keyboarding skills (typing) are relatively low, with a mean of 27.8 adjusted words per minute.

Institutional Differences

The report also breaks down mean scores by institution type, showing that students at master's institutions typically have the highest scores, while K-12 learners have the lowest.


These findings highlight the need for continued support for students as they navigate online and technology-rich learning environments. Educators and institutions may need to provide additional support in areas such as reading, writing, and study skills.

Looking Ahead

While the pandemic may have had a negative impact on learning readiness, there is a reason for optimism. As students and educators become more comfortable with online learning, and as institutions continue to invest in resources and support, it is likely that we will see improvements in learning readiness in the years to come.

About the Report

The 2024 National Means Report is based on data from over 166,000 students who took the SmarterMeasure assessment during 2024. Note that data was only included from institutions which consented to their aggregate data being included in such national analyses. This report provides valuable insights into student readiness for online and technology-rich learning and can help educators and institutions make informed decisions about how to best support their students.

