Preparing students to enter post-secondary education is an important part of contributing to their success. However, not all students come from the same background or have the same level of readiness for higher education as others do.
This was the situation that STADIO Holdings found their students in.
STADIO Holdings is an investment company that focuses on the acquisition of, investment in, growth, and development of higher education institutions to assist in meeting the demand for quality and relevant higher education programs in southern Africa. The company supports three different higher education institutions throughout southern Africa that each retain their own brands, campuses, and management teams. Within the group, they all share common ethos and benefits, and as a whole, aim to provide broad access to higher education for all students. But what they had noticed was that some K-12th grade schools had not prepared their students for the expected level of readiness in literacy and numeracy of post-secondary education.
While recognizing that not all students come from the same background and the same level of readiness for higher education, STADIO Holdings knew they needed to use data as a way to benchmark the level of readiness in order to further assist them.
Read our brief case study below to learn how STADIO Holdings used SmarterMeasure to determine the learner readiness of their students while still providing them with high-quality programs to help them succeed no matter the circumstance. Want to take it on the go? Click here to download the on-demand case study.
The Solution to Measuring Their Students Learner Readiness
In order to measure where their students were at in their literacy and numeracy skills, STADIO Holdings implemented the SmarterMeasure Learning Readiness Indicator. With this, they will be able to assess and diagnose their students’ current skills and background in order to create a tailored plan to help them be successful during their time as a learner and best prepare them for the workforce. Measuring and using key data points allowed them to put together a long-term strategy to better meet their students where they’re at. This strategy will be used and evaluated over the next 3-5 years.
The Benefits of Using SmarterMeasure
By implementing SmarterMeasure, faculty members receive detailed reports of their student’s assessments as it pertains to their literacy skill level, their numeracy skill level, their overall background, their non-cognitive learner readiness, and more. With this data, they are then able to individually work with the students to provide emotional support, positive reinforcements in the skill area(s) that may be lacking, helpful resources, and a detailed plan to enable their students for success. STADIO will be tracking the effectiveness of this initiative over the next three years.
Learn more and take this case study on the go!
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